At Sabahar, we are not 100% satisfied until you are. To make a return, simply contact us with your contact information, order number, and reason for the return and we'll respond as quickly as possible to coordinate the process.
We accept returns for items in new condition, unwashed, and in original packaging up to 30 days from delivery. Returns received in used condition may not be eligible for refund or be subject to a restocking fee. We recommend shipping your package through a traceable shipping method like FedEx or UPS, or USPS with a Delivery Confirmation. Customers are responsible for the cost of shipping an item back to us. The original cost (if any) of shipping an item to you is non-refundable. Allow 1-2 weeks for your return to be processed.
We must be notified of goods that were received damaged within 2 weeks of delivery for a full refund or replacement.
Please email us at to start your return or exchange.
Once your return is received, a refund will be issued to your credit card.
Return Address:
c/o Konjo Collections, Attn: Returns, 1335 Swallow Court, Boulder, Co 80303, USA